We were present at the new edition of Heavent Paris which showcased innovation and creation! It is always essential to surprise your guests at all events and, it is at Heavent Paris that we find the innovations in this field!
At Artheau Aviation, we have a strong desire to keep up to date with the latest news in the event industry. It was also an opportunity for us to meet our clients and new prospects.
The events business professionals presented us their entertainment products and services. All of which gave us new ideas to re-imagine the events !
By themes:
– Technological innovations
– Scenographic innovations – Digital innovations – Artistic innovations – Technical innovations – Fun innovations.
Experts, advertisers, specialists, or agencies dealt with all types of innovation during the numerous conferences and throughout the tour such as feedback on events, on contents and on digital or technical data.
Finally, we also attended the closing evening of the show which rewards the best event achievements! Congratulations to the winners!